Well, it came and went. Without too great of a ripple, and only a few tears (Rodas missing brothers and sister). The first day of school was much anticipated in our house--it being not only a new school year but a brand new school and brand new set of teachers. Even Rodas had her first day of preschool, and marched in like it was about time she had her turn (picture her with her hand on hip wigglin' her upper body and waving her finger with what I call "the sister swag"). She sent Mom on her way with only a slight quiver to her lips, but quickly recovered as she knew she was now, truly, a big girl.
Now, let's just get those pull-ups off at night! (0;
All the kids enjoy their teachers and seem to have received the right one for them. Tsegereda Rosalie's teacher is a very fun and loving woman that Tse just adores. She is the perfect successor to the AWESOME Mrs. C who gave our girl such an amazing start last year. Her class is a mixture of second and third graders and she seems to fit in very well. Tse has lots of friends and it seems her glossy braids and chocolate beauty have brought her more adoration than ostracism--almost to a worrisome level. It is something that we saw in Price and we try to temper at home, but I'll leave dealing with "The Ethiopian Princess complex/exoticism" for another blog entry....
Wyatt's teacher has a wonderfully dry sense of humor and doesn't seem to let much rile her. Wyatt's best new buddy is another Wyatt M....seriously. He has slipped into his class and seamlessly blended in with kids that have been together since preschool. That's Wyatt.
Noah has had a rougher start. Academically he is very strong, but socially he has struggled....and he's the one I usually don't worry about socially. Go figure! It seems that he is so used to kids gravitating towards him that when they didn't here, he was a bit lost as to what to do. Instead of trying to ingratiate himself, he sort of did his own thing hoping someone would come and join him. I noticed it at recess one day when I was helping in class and began asking him questions about it. Then Wyatt and Rosalie mentioned a few instances where kids had actually been picking on Noah and not treating him well. Mama Bear came out in me and I coached all of them about dealing with bullies and having each others' backs and working at making good friends. Suddenly Noah realized this was a great thing to play up for extra attention, so he began coming home every day with a "woe is me, I have no friends" attitude. That lasted a few days (and a talk with the teacher to find out more of the story) and he soon got no sympathy at home and I told him point blank that if he didn't like it then he had to work to change it. Go and ask someone to play, and then play what they're playing. And choose your friends well. I have always told my kids that it is not the quantity of friends that matters, but the quality.
So, the next day, he had a new buddy and all is well.
Anyways, overall we really like Hayden Valley Elementary. Academically they might not be as strong as what we came from, but they more than make up for it in how well-rounded their program is. Music and PE everyday is a reality and the kids love it. They also allow a morning snack and afternoon snack (must be healthy) and their school lunches are wonderful and include lots of fresh fruits and veggies and the rule is you must try everything and eat at least 50% of what's on your plate. Most classes have 15-19 kids and I have been impressed with every school employee that I've met.
The longer school days -- catch the bus at 7 and get out at 3:35 or off the bus at 4:40--make for a little crazier schedule, trying to get kids to dance lessons and boy scouts, etc. on time and also complete homework due each day. I've also been asked to be the new Webelos boy scout leader, which is a good sized time commitment for only two kids. I'm a bit frustrated with that, but I figure it's a right of passage for any mother of boys. Yippee.
So, that's the past month in a nut shell. Fall is here, the trees and weather are finally joining in on the change of season, and my buck antelope has survived one hunting season. I'm not against hunting, as we are all hunters of one sort or another--whether you had an elk steak, a burger or broccoli salad last night. Everything eats something else to live. But when you see the same animals wander in and out of your life...you get sort of attached. I selfishly hope he makes it, not only to keep passing on his gorgeous genes, but because I like seeing the guy lazing about in our back pasture. Simple. As. That.
Happy FALL!
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