Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Birthday Surprise!

There is a good reason why there's a new post so soon after the Giant Twinkie one...we have BIG news (actually, it's quite little, but don't tell him that!)!  Wyatt got an early birthday surprise on Monday that has the whole family laughing, growling, howling, amassing band-aids, googoo- and gaga-ing and cleaning up pee.  Let me give you a hint:

Meet Jasper Jax, the coolest little dude on four white paws.  He is 150% Jack Russell Terror and we have all fallen head over heels for him--well, almost all of us.  Sage is a wee bit grumpy with the bundle of over-abundant energy, but give her time.

You know how sometimes the best things in life are those that aren't planned?  That's Jasper.  Colt and I have been discussing getting a puppy within the next year or so as Sage is getting older and we wanted a bridge to help Silver deal with her loss, when it comes.  Plus, Wyatt has been pleading for his very own dog for years, and we figured he would be ready for his own four-legged buddy by then.  So, it has been in the thought process for a while, but wasn't meant to be put into action for months.

But life doesn't follow your planner, does it?!  Let's just say, we saw an ad in the paper and both Colt and I felt the pull to follow-up on it.  Wyatt's birthday is in two weeks and once we met Jasper, well...

Three big dogs is too much, so we have been looking into big dogs in little dogs bodies that could keep up with Wyatt on a run and deal with Sage.  Jack Russell Terriers are known to be:
* Extremely Intelligent
*Sturdy, tough and tenacious--one JRT was reported to have lodged himself in a fox den for two days, refusing food or water until the quarry came out.
*Seriously fearless and assertive.  Case in point: In 2007, George, a JRT in New Zealand, defended five children from two pit bulls just long enough for the kids to escape to safety.  He doggedly refused to let them get to the kids--especially the little 4-yr. old, and ultimately lost his life doing so.
*They were bred to bolt foxes and ground-dwellers from their dens, so they are hunters and like to dig...everywhere.
*High Energy and athletic
* "It is not uncommon for these dogs to become moody or destructive if not properly stimulated and exercised, as they have a tendency to bore easily and will often create their own fun when left alone to entertain themselves."  (Wikipedia)

Yup.  We're in for it!  But since when have we ever done things the easy way???

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