Monday, March 22, 2010

Curls and Pics

How I wish that I could post pictures of the girls...but I can't. In case you were wondering, the government of Ethiopia is very protective of its children and will not allow pictures or full names of any children to be posted on any public forum unless that child is legally yours. So, they are T & R (safer even than Tse and Ro) until we pass court successfully--which we are still waiting to hear when our court date will be. We are estimating that we will hear in about one more month--but we shouldn't even do that. Estimating anything regarding a time line in this process is just asking for trouble! (0;

Yesterday we received pictures from a family that traveled to Mekele two weeks ago and took care packages to the girls for us. They took pictures of both girls receiving their bags. T & R were priceless! R didn't seem to understand the bag, but T had a smile on. One picture was a close up of side view of T, her hair has grown out some (they often keep the childrens' hair cut very short) and she has the most gorgeous curls!!!! Not too tight, not too loose. I'm envious and do hope that they leave it this length. R's hair is just like is frizzy with a mind of its own. (0: As I mentioned in my previous post about care packages, I included in this package a flow chart with pictures describing what will happen in the future regarding Mom, Dad and airplanes. Hopefully they look at it and will understand a little better what will hopefully be happening soon.

Next care package to be taken mid-April. I better get workin' on stuffin' some more love into a one gallon bag!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to ask about pictures, but you answered my question! I love reading all about your adventure. Thank you again for sharing.
