Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Injury of April

"May today there be peace within.  May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.  May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are.  Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. 
It is there for each and every one of us."

 I just had to share this quote that was sent to me the other day by a dear hit me deep, tapping a pesky struggle within.  I'm pretty sure there is something in that quote for all of us.

It's been a rough month, but luckily it is almost over!  Historically, for some reason, the spring--and especially the month of April--is a time of major injury for the Mortenson Family.  Usually it has revolved around Colt's father, getting bucked off horses or hitchin' a ride on life flight (more than once).  However, it has hit others.  Colt's father did have major surgery this spring, but luckily all went well.  The injury of April still reared its ugly head, though, striking all of us, but especially my mother-in-law.  After years of struggling with many health issues, her father took his last breath this month.  It was a graceful exit from pain, and a life celebrated and surrounded by many who loved him.  The injury is not to him, who is now without pain, but to those left behind who are comforted only by memories and faith that they will see him again.  But no matter how sound your faith is, no matter how hurt or in pain he was, he still was her Daddy.  Ten-foot tall and bullet-proof.  And it probably hurts deep and irreparably.

Let's hope April has inflicted enough pain and will just let the last five days slide by uneventfully...

On a positive note, we are closing in on the year-mark for being here in Craig.  Moving here early June last year, we have almost experienced the full array of seasons.  Although more dry and hotter than we'd like, it still is spring and I look forward to seeing little goslings following their mamas and fawns trying out their spindly legs.  It is such a refreshing time filled with new life that it makes you want to shake out the cobwebs inside and, well, "sing, dance, praise and love."
"It is there for each and every one of us."

So, go lift yer heels and have a good hoot...each day brings "infinite possibilities!"

Here are some snapshots of the family over the past month:

I know my basket's around here somewhere! Hint: look up!

Earth Day family hike by Elkhead Reservoir

Wyatt after surgery on his lip--this kid is a trooper!
Dad and the boys playing with matches...on purpose!

Family cook-out and camp-out by the river.

Mr. and Mrs. Goose in our back pasture

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kristin for the lovely message. I do love my dad and all he taughtme and did for me. I know that he loved his family and was proud of all they have accomplished. I know that he has had a great reunion with is son, his brother and his parents and all the other relatives that went on before him. You have a beautiful way of writing that touches the heart. I love you and thank you for the great person you are. Coreyne
