Thursday, May 12, 2011

One Year Ago...

It was one year ago today that we became the legal parents of daughters we loved dearly but had never met. I think back and wonder at all the amazing changes that have happened in our family since that time. It has been a roller coaster ride, but one that I would take again and again. I simply cannot imagine my life without my girls...and I know Colt feels the same. I also strongly believe that our incredible boys would agree. Wyatt and Tsegereda are close and although the age and height thing raises its ugly head now and then, overall it has been a pretty smooth transition. Noah has found his place in the foursome and they all truly act as though they have grown up together since birth. The house is full of laughter, yelling (mostly me), crying and hugging--with Barbies, legos, hair bands and transformers strewn all over. Just as it should be.

Looking back again at our first glimpse of our daughters, it is amazing THEIR transformation:

1 comment:

  1. And we must add that they all have the best mom and dad in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!! Yes, you are truly amazing Kristin. When I grow up, someday I hope to be like you. What a wonderful family you have. Thank you for sharing!
